Lincoln Intergroup

Hotline Sign-up Form

Thank you for signing up for the A.A. Hotline. Your service is greatly appreciated. It is one of the most basic services to the still suffering alcoholic.

Please complete the following form.

Volunteer Information
   First name is missing or invalid.

   Last name is missing or invalid.

   Email address is missing or invalid.

   Telephone number is missing or invalid.

   Gender must be M (male) or F (female).

Type of Service
   Accept phone calls must be Y (Yes) or N (No).

   Give rides must be Y (Yes) or N (No).

Length of Service
    Enter "Y (Yes)" for the months you will serve:
   One or more months must be Y (Yes).


   One or more days must be marked Y (Yes).

Enter "Y (Yes)" for the days you can serve.
Leave all others blank.

Then select the start hour, am or pm, and the
number of hours you will be on call.








Permanent List (optional)
    Add me to the permanent list for the months
    and days marked "Yes"

Comments (optional)